A Guide to Keep Your Senior Loved One Safe When Traveling
Taking care of your senior loved ones is not as easy as it seems. Their safety is always essential when you live with them. To keep them safe, there are a few things that they need to avoid. Though your senior loved ones are getting older, this is not a good enough reason for you to stop them from traveling or leaving the house. In fact, as a person gets older, traveling becomes more significant for them. Your senior loved one has now spent many years accumulating knowledge and experience, making them truly appreciate the new experiences they are having. After all, travel is one of the reasons why a lot of adults want to work so hard for many years.
However, when a person gets older, though, they cannot travel in the same way they used to in the past. This fact goes beyond simply upgrading your hostel room to a proper hotel room for your senior loved one. What traveling as a senior means is that they have some cognitive and physical limitations to consider. If you are interested in keeping your senior loved one safe when you go out of the house, read more here.
Before you leave the house with your senior loved one, make sure to get things into writing. Create a list of every prescription, supplement, over-the-counter medication that your senior loved one will take with them. Make sure to include writing the medication timing, their purpose, and the dosage they should be taken. You can seek help from the pharmacist or healthcare provider of your senior loved one for this list. Let them check the list for accuracy. Don’t forget to include the generic and brand names of their medicines and the amount they should take for the trip. Ge a list of all the present medication issues of your senior loved one from their healthcare provider and how each is treated. It is a must that you write the contact information of every healthcare provider of your elderly family member. More info to view here.
Make sure to keep all of their prescription, and over-the-counter medications inside their original container with labels. Your trip through the customs and as a whole become easier when you do this. Make sure that you only bring all their medications and place them inside carry-on luggage. You should only put their medications inside approved containers or bags, following airport protocol.
You have to make reservations with transportation inside the airport for your senior loved one. They will often get car or buggy rides for more assistance inside. And last, you have to arrive at the airport with your elderly loved one early. You should do this to save your elderly family member from getting unnecessarily stressed out or anxious.
More tips at https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-simple-guide-to-carin_b_12885810.